Laboratorio de Cementos y
Medio Ambiente
Dr. J Iván Escalante-Garcia
Profesor Investigador Titular categoría 3E
Nivel 3, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores
PhD, Engineering Materials, The University of Sheffield, 1996
M.C. Metalúrgia Ferrosa, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, 1992
Ing. Químico, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, 1989.
+52 (844) 4389600 ext 8675
skype: JIvanEscalante
email alternativo:
Orcid: 0000-0001-8128-943X
scholargoogle: J Ivan Escalante-Garcia
Intereses de Investigación:
Diseño, procesamiento y caracterización de cementos convencionales y alternativos;
Desarrollo de nuevos cementos de bajo impacto ambiental basado en materias primas como caliza, materiales volcánicos, arcillas calcinadas, desechos industriales como vidrio, escorias, cenizas, etc., nuevas matrices cementosas.
Estudios en los mecanismos de reacción, estructuras moleculares, propiedades mecánicas, carácter hidráulico, durabilidad, etc.
Indicadores Académicos
* +108 Artículos en revista internacional indizada JCR
* 13 artículos publicados en revistas no indizadas
* 72 Artículos en memoria de congreso internacional
* 17 solicitudes de patente en progreso
* 2500+ Citas Web of Sccience (scholargoogle 4800 citas)
* Indice H=29 (scholargoogle h=38)
Distinciones Académicas
* Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias desde 2004
* Miembro de Comisión Dictaminadora SNI Área VII 2014-2016
Formación de Recursos Humanos (graduados, en proceso):
Doctorado (18,7), Maestría (46, 3), Licenciatura (23,3)
Participación en Revistas Científicas Internacionales
• Miembro de comités editoriales de las Revistas:
*Materiales de Construcción, ISSN: 0465-2746, Indizada JCR
*Advances in Cement Research, ISSN 0951-7197Indizada JCR
*Advances in Concrete Construction ISSN 2287-5301 Indizada JCR
*Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials, ISSN 2165-0373, indizada CAS, SCOPUS
*Revista Latinoamericana de Control de Calidad, Patología y Recuperación de las Construcciones ISSN: 2007-6835. Indizada Conacyt, Latindex, Scielo
• Cuerpo de Revisores en 8 revistas
* Journal of the American Ceramic Society *Cement and Concrete Composites
*Construction and Building Materials *Conservation and Recycling
*Journal of Civil Engineering and Management *Journal of Hazardous materials
*Advances in applied Ceramics *Ingeniería, Investigación y tecnología UNAM
*Materials and Structures
Publicaciones Selectas
R. Arellano Aguilar, O. Burciaga Diaz, J.I. Escalante Garcia, Lightweight concretes of activated metakaolin-fly ash binders, with blast furnace slag aggregates, Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 1166-1175, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2009.12.024
O Burciaga-Dıaz and J I Escalante-García, Strength and Durability in Acid Media of Alkali Silicate-Activated Metakaolin Geopolymers, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.,95 (2012) 2307–2313, DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05249.x ,
Oswaldo Burciaga-Diaz, M Diaz-Guillen, A F Fuentes, J I Escalante-garcia, Mortars of alkali-activated blast furnace with high aggregate:binder ratios, Construction and Building Materials, 44 (2013) 607-614, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.03.057
Geopolymers based on a coarse low-purity kaolin mineral: Mechanical strength as a function of the chemical composition and temperature, O Burciaga-Diaz, J I Escalante-Garcia, A Gorokhovsky Cement & Concrete Composites 34 (2012) 18–24, doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2011.08.001
O Burciaga-Díaz and J I Escalante-García, Structure, mechanisms of reaction and strength of an alkali-activated blast-furnace slag, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1–10 (2013) DOI: 10.1111/jace.12620
R. X. Magallanes-Rivera1, J. I. Escalante-García, Anhydrite/Hemihydrate – Blast Furnace Slag Cementitious Composites: Strength Development and Reactivity, Construction and Building Matererials 65 (2014) 20-28, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.04.056
R Arellano-Aguilar, O Burciaga-Díaz, A Gorokhovsky, J I Escalante-García Geopolymer mortars based on a low grade metakaolin: effects of the chemical composition, temperature and aggregate:binder ratio, Construction and Building Materials 50 (2014) 642–648
R. X. Magallanes-Rivera1, J. I. Escalante-García, Hemihydrate or waste anhydrite in composite binders with blast-furnace slag: Hydration products, microstructures and dimensional stability, Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 317–326
M.E. Bazaldúa-Medellín, A.F. Fuentes, A Gorokhovsky, J.I. Escalante-García, Early and late hydration of supersulphated cements of blast furnace slag with fluorgypsum, Materiales de Construcción, Vol. 65, Issue 317, January–March 2015, e043 ISSN-L: 0465-2746
U. Avila-López, J.M. Almanza-Robles, J.I. Escalante-García, Investigation of novel waste glass and limestone binders using statistical methods Construction and Building Materials 82 (2015) 296–303,
Ricardo Martinez-Lopez, J.I. Escalante-Garcia, Alkali activated composite binders of waste silica soda lime glass and blast furnace slag: Strength as a function of the composition, Construction and Building Materials 119 (2016) 119–129,,
K Cabrera-Luna, E E Maldonado-Bandala, D Nieves-Mendoza, P Castro-Borges, J I Escalante-Garcia, Novel low emissions supersulfated cements of pumice in concrete; mechanical and electrochemical characterization, Journal of Cleaner Production Journal of Cleaner Production 272 (2020) 122520
P Perez-Cortes, J. I. Escalante García , “Design and optimization of alkaline binders of limestone-metakaolin – A comparison of strength, microstructure and sustainability with portland cement and geopolymers”, Journal of Cleaner Production 273 (2020) 123118
Pedro Perez-Cortes, J Ivan Escalante-Garcia, Gel composition and molecular structure of alkali-activated metakaolin-limestone cements, Cement and Concrete Research, Cem Concr Res 137 (2020) 106211
D.E. Ortega-Zavala1, O. Burciaga-Díaz2, J.I. Escalante-García, Chemically bonded ceramic/cementitious materials of metakaolin processed by cold pressing, effect of the type of alkali and curing temperature, aceptado oct 2020 Construction and Building Materials
J I Escalante-Garcia, O A Martínez-Aguilar (tesista maestría), L Y Gomez-Zamorano, Calcium sulphate anhydrite based composite binders; effect of Portland cement and four pozzolans on the hydration and strength, Cement and Concrete Composites, Cement and Concrete Composites 82 (2017) 227e233, 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.05.012
D E Ortega-Zavala, J L Santana-Carrillo, O Burciaga-Díaz, J I Escalante-García, An initial study on alkali activated limestone binders, Cem Concr Res 120 (2019) 267-268
L E. Menchaca-Ballinas, J. I Escalante-Garcia, “Low CO2 emission cements of waste glass activated by CaO and NaOH, Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 239, 1 December 2019, 117992, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117992 P. Perez-Cortes, J. Ivan Escalante-Garcia , Alkali activated metakaolin with high limestone contents – Statistical modeling of strength and environmental and cost analyses , Cement and Concrete Composites 106(2020) 103450,
L E Menchaca-Ballinas, J I Escalante-Garcia, Limestone as aggregate and precursor in binders of waste glass activated by CaO and NaOH, Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120013, tesis doctoral
J.L. Santana-Carrillo, D.E. Ortega-Zavala, O. Burciaga-Díaz, J.I. Escalante-Garcia, Modified blended limestone-Portland cement binders: evaluation of 4 different sodium silicates, Cement and Concrete Composites 118 (2021) 103935